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product number.: 60104


Heiko Bleher is a living legend ...
German scientist, author, photographer and film producer best known in scientific circles for his great contribution to the knowledge of fresh and brackish habitats around the world, as well as to the discovery of many new species of fish and plants, some bearing his name or being named for honor to the Bleher family, including Hemmigramus bleheri, Leporinus bleheri, Bleheatherina poerucciae, Streatocrano bleheri, Channa bleheri, Phenacogrammus bleheri, Moenkhausia heikol, Chilatherina bleheri, Vrisea bleheri and others.
Heiko Bleher has led and participated in more than 900 expeditions, including over 300 to South America and the Amazon. He has visited nearly 200 countries and recorded over 6000 species of freshwater fish. He specialized early on in the 3 species of Symp discus and was the first commercial exporter to Europe and Asia in the mid-1960s. Through his in-depth knowledge of the discus habitats, he secured breeding fish to renown expert Dr. Eduard Schmidt-Focke, from which several of the most well-known types of cultured domestics continue to have their genetic origin.
Heiko Bleher's work for the discus hobby culminated in 2011 with the release of his great masterpiece Bleher's Discus Volume 1 and 2. Throughout 1,600 pages and through more than 3,000 photos, he tells in details about everything pertaining to the aquarium's crowned king.

Indispensable for all enthusiasts who want discus knowledge.
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