
Bio-Ceramic Filter / 350L

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product number.: 30103

Bio-Ceramic Filter / 350L

This special filter has been developed for breeding and rearing aquariums and is a further development of the old known "elephant feet".
Three different types of filtration in a filter are the basis for much better filtering properties due to a significantly larger surface.

1. Organic chemical filtration. The patented air lift tube ensures an optimal turbulence and one
optimal supply of oxygen in the water and at the same time CO2 is degassed in large quantities to avoid acidification.

2. Glass, ceramics and natural stones form the basis for the highly efficient biological filtration.
Due to an extremely high firing temperature, the material sinters and generates a very porous surface. It is optimally suitable for colonizing filter bacteria. Compared to other ceramic biofilters, it is 3 to 5 times
more efficiently. This leads to a more stable water quality and to a better ecological balance.

3. A multilayer sponge is used as a pre-filter. It quickly absorbs impurities in the water and
it effectively cleans the suspended sediments.
The patented design and structure allow a high density of nitrifying bacteria. This results in
efficient filter performance, long service life of the filter and easy handling during cleaning.
For use only the air hose is connected to the connector.

Both filters have a heavy-duty stainless steel foot that ensures they do not tip over!

Bio-Ceramic Filter / 150L suitable for aquariums up to 150 liters.
If you use a good air pump, the output of water should reach more than 400 liters / h.

Bio-Ceramic Filter / 350L suitable for aquariums up to 350 liters.
If you use a good air pump, the output of water should reach more than 1,000 liters / h.

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